
Friday, August 14, 2009

Classifications Of Murder: What Determines The Degree Of A Murder?

Murder, or criminal homicide, is considered the most serious of felonies and, as such, generally carries the most severe penalties, including, in some states, death. Although there has traditionally been debate over what sorts of acts constitute murder, it is generally defined as the intentional, unjustifiable, and illegal taking of someone else’s life. Although it is generally presumed that murder results in the immediate death of a person, any death that directly occurs to someone else’s actions within a year of those actions may be characterized as murder.

The law classifies murder according to degrees of severity. First-degree murder is the most egregious and sinister type of murder; it involves causing someone else’s death through forethought, deliberation, and/or malice. Those convicted of first-degree murder have been found guilty in a court of law of purposely acting upon another person with the intent of causing great harm or death.

Second-degree murder, or voluntary manslaughter, arises out of spontaneous and sudden emotion. Those convicted of second-degree murder have been found guilty of acting out of overwhelming anger, fear, or jealousy.

Finally, third-degree murder, or involuntary manslaughter, is an act of murder that was committed without forethought or malice. These “accidental” murders usually occur due to reckless or wrongful use of firearms, drugs and other medications, explosives, motor vehicles, and other objects that can be deadly when misused. The charge of third-degree murder is often founded on an act of negligence, or a failure to act as a reasonable person would under similar circumstances.

Further complicating murder trials are issues of state of mind, upon which the degree of murder hinges. Prosecuting attorneys must prove that the criminally accused was in the state of mind consistent with first-, second-, or third-degree murder in order to convince the court that the accused should be found guilty of a given type of murder. This is particularly difficult in cases involving people who are permanently or temporarily mentally challenged or disabled. An experienced criminal defense attorney will often be able to negotiate a lesser charge on behalf of his or her client.

By: Daniel Beasley

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer Will Protect Your Rights & Freedom!

There are times when people urgently need expert criminal defense legal assistance and representation. . Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney can save you from severe punishment and makes all the difference in being incarcerated or being declared innocent. Experienced criminal defense attorneys lead you through the legal process to help fight and protect your freedom. Criminal defense attorneys help with criminal allegations and charges including robbery, homicide, juvenile crimes, kidnapping, sexual offenses, drug offenses, assault, traffic crime, homicide, domestic violence to vehicular manslaughter and DWI

Though people usually want to avoid criminal charges, at times circumstances may entangle them into unwanted legal situations where their freedom is at stake. A person is innocent until proven guilty. Helping to prove your innocence is where a criminal lawyer comes to the rescue. The sooner the help of an experienced and aggressive criminal lawyer is sought, the brighter are the chances of avoiding conviction. Interestingly, from the time anyone is arrested to the time when the formal charges are placed there is a time gap. If the criminal lawyer works promptly, there are chances that the charges are not documented and the accused is free to leave. But such spur-of-the-moment actions demand a thorough understanding of the judicial system, fast and judicious thinking, and above all an experienced and knowledgeable attorney.

The nuances of law and the details of the legal system are extremely complex and diverse, incorporating a host of rules, laws, and guidelines. The complexities of international as well as domestic laws can baffle even the most dedicated and organized criminal lawyers. A local attorney is usually the best bet in this case. For instance, if a crime has been committed within Houston, it is advisable to seek the help of a Houston criminal defense attorney for a better understanding and knowledge of Houston’s court system than an “outsider” from Dallas. A good Houston criminal lawyer’s work does not end at just being familiar with the theoretical aspect of Houston law. A criminal lawyer also needs to be thorough with actual trial law and courtroom proceedings – the secret to a successful defense for the client.

Today, most of the renowned attorneys are available online. Some of them have enviable records regarding criminal law proceedings, such as attorney John Petruzzi with over 28 years of experience. Availing a criminal lawyer has become easy with the advent of the Internet, but it is best to first check the authentication and professional experience records before hiring an attorney for your defense. After all, the intricacies of law are difficult to understand, and hiring a good criminal lawyer is your best bet for freedom.

By: John Michael

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com